Prepare for the NWEA 4th Grade MAP Test

Is your child about to take the NWEA MAP 4th grade test? TestPrep-Online offers the most detailed MAP prep pack available, which consists of:

  • Six Practice drills of Each Domain: these will help your child with understanding each topic thoroughly and where to focus their learning on.
  • MAP Full Length Simulation: assists your child with replicating the same testing environment as in the real test, So when the day of test comes your child will pass the test with flying colors.
  • Extra Math Practice drills: to make sure your child has as much material as possible to practice for the MAP Math test.
  • “Number Masters” Math Game: to make practicing fun while improving your child’s math skills.
  • Two MAP study guides: provides your child with useful tips and tricks, and summarizes all the knowledge he will need for the test. 

By using this prep pack you are securing your child’s chances of acing the MAP 4th grade test. Read below to to find out more information about the MAP test


MAP 4th Grade

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6 Month License for Complete Prep

600+ sample questions included in

  • 15+ practice tests
  • Full-length MAP simulations
  • 2 comprehensive PDF study guides
  • New! An interactive "Number Masters" game for improving calculation skills

All the preparation your child needs to ace their test!

Hi, I'm Ariav. MAP Expert at TestPrep-Online
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About the NWEA 4th Grade MAP Test

The NWEA 4th Grade MAP Test is a computer-adaptive assessment exam used to appraise student's abilities on both objective and subjective scales. The test has become a valuable source of insight for a student's abilities. Learn more about the 4th Grade MAP.

The MAP 4th grade is comprised of the following sections:

  • Reading-between 40-43 questions
  • Language Usage-between 50-53 questions
  • Math-between 47-53 questions

The MAP test is an adaptive test. In these kinds of tests, the difficulty changes throughout the test, getting harder or easier following a correct or incorrect answer, that is why the number of questions in every section is not set . It is also important to note that the MAP test does not have a general time limit.

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With this membership, you will be able to create up to six separate practice accounts. This way, you can give each student an account of their own in which they can practice independently for their upcoming exam.